Weight loss doesnt have to be complicated. Weight Loss Doesn't have to be painful. You don't need 7 days a week in the gym. You don't need a crazy diet. You just need the right combination of nutrition and activity level. Experience the CrossFit East Coast difference. We provide: Daily coaching, guidance, and instructions from our professional team of Nutrition Experts, Fitness Coaches, and Certified Personal Trainers pave the way for your success! CrossFit East Coast Weight Loss Academy provides the tools, the education and the support to finally win the war against weight gain.

WHAT IS CrossFit East Coast


Weight Loss Academy is a 12-week course that delivers the most comprehensive weight loss application and education available. So what exactly does that mean? It’s simple. You learn by doing. And BONUS!…by actually implementing your newly learned tips and tricks, you’ll be losing weight, inches and body fat without even realizing you’re on “a program”.

Problem: With so much information out there these days, it's hard to decipher what nutrition plan and workout plan is right for you and your individual needs. There are a lot of great nutrition plans out there. There are a lot of great fitness programs out there. But, determining which program is right for you is like finding a needle in a haystack. You can be on a great nutrition program, you can be working out 3, 4, 6 days-a-week, and still not see results, and that's because the nutrition and workouts aren'd congruent. Additionally, most people that need to lose weight / body fat go into a program already defeated because they psych themselves out…they are worried about starving, feeling deprived and killing themselves at the gym for hours a day. They already have the mindset that it will be too difficult to follow or sustain so they fail before they even begin.

Solution: We get to know you, your goals, and your individual circumstances and create a plan for you to achieve your goals. We get you on the proper nutrition plan for you that is congruent to your workouts and we provide amazing accountability so you follow through. We teach you little pieces of magic each week to help you actually learn and understand the connection between food, fitness, and sustainable weight management. No, it’s not a magic pill but the value of really understanding your body and how it works is priceless, so we like to call our teachings magical! (and you’ll agree when you’re done)! Now don’t stress out thinking you’re going back to school with tests and studying and huge time commitments, because that is the last thing we want on your plate! We teach in very basic terms and methods so you can easily follow, truly comprehend and ultimately replicate our program to continue on your own.

Fun Fact: With over 2,500 people going through this program over the past 6 years, the average weight loss over the 6 weeks is 20-25 lbs in the first 6 weeks!!

Bottom Line: Diets are like bandaids. They are a short term fix to cover a problem. They never identify or solve the problem, nor offer a LONG TERM solution. We do exactly the opposite. We help you uncover the origin of your struggles, coach you how to overcome them and empower you with the knowledge and confidence to NEVER have to diet again. We don't teach dieting, we guide you on how to make subtle changes to your current lifestyle that make adjusting some of your habits seamless, resulting in massive changes with minimal effort.

Why this program is so effective and predictable:

We focus on helping that 80+ percent of people who do not go to a gym. Our current clients & members don’t want to go into a traditional “gym” setting. They want and value professional guidance, and don't want to pay an arm and a leg for it. Yes, some of our members were active in a traditional “gym” setting in the past, so if your one of the 80+ percent as described above, or just looking for a “judgment free” setting with professional guidance, If that’s you, read on...

Professionally guided fitness instruction with the right intensity for your individual needs with CONGRUENT meal plans tailored to your individual needs and goals. These meal plans contain meal plans that make hitting your goals a breeze so you don't have to give up your social life. Eat out or eat in… If you want to eat out, we have you covered with our eating out guide (customized to your meal plan). Want to make your own meals… We have you covered so you can save hours each week with our simplified shopping list based on your meal guide. Not sure what to cook? We have you covered there too with our 42 recipe cookbook so you can enjoy eating in a way that helps you hit your goals. No weird gross food. No magic potions. No “Pyramid Scheme” magic potions. Just REAL food you can get at the grocery store or restaurant.

Why WW doesn't work: Well, it does work half way. But MOST of our clients have already tried WW and couldn’t make the results stick. And the reason for that is that WW doesn't provide the platform for matching eating to proper activity levels. But WE do that. We match your nutrition to your activity. And “activity” must be something beyond walking, hiking, jogging, etc. Activity MUST be varied. Doing the same activity each day will lead to your body adapting to it and results will diminish.

Why “pyramid schemes” don’t work: Don’t get me wrong, they work for some people. The people who it typically works for two types of people: 1. Already fit people. They’ll claim how great their product is, and convince you that sourcing the “magic ingredients'' is super expensive, yada yada yada… The reality is you need real food and activity that will help you improve your metabolism. But most activity that will help you improve your metabolism needs to be overseen by a professional. That’s where we come in. We ensure your doing the right level of activity, intensity, and metabolic conditioning for YOU and YOUR goals/needs.

Lastly, Let’s not forget about accountability: WW does provide accountability for nutrition, but not activity. With only ½ of the puzzle, its no wonder we get so many people from weight watchers.

With pyramid scheme style solutions, they sell you some shake or potion and maybe it's actually good stuff. But what you need is the right combo of food. And no matter how much “magic potion” you take in, if you don’t have the rest of the food in the right combination, nothing will happen. And maybe they sell you on some fitness DVD (home workouts you watch on tv). But at the end of the day, you own’t get the same level of accountability you get by coming into an actual facility focused on hitting goals predictably.

For accountability, we provide professional coaching, we maintain a fun-loving community of members who all support and encourage each other, and weekly accountability checkins to keep you on track.

We look forward to meeting you and helping you achieve your goals for your body.



How to transform your body, habits and mindset

Thorough understanding of proper nutrition

​How to identify and manage eating triggers

​Professional Coaching ​

​The importance between macros and micros

​How to design your own meal plans

​How to easily incorporate fitness into your lifestyle


When You are Ready for Real Results

Custom Meal Plans built specifically for you, your needs and your schedule

Training Workouts applicable to your fitness level and experience, targeting your problem areas​

​​Personal Accountability thru DAILY communication with your team of Certified Personal Trainers and Coaches

Online Portal delivering daily fitness and nutrition instructions (you ALWAYS know what to do/eat!)

​Unlimited in-person Group Classes with your class


12 Weeks of Curriculum: Each week a new lesson is introduced via the work out program at our location where you will receive structured, guided training from our certified coaches.

Academy Portal: All lessons are saved in your academy portal for easy access and review.

Nutrition Plans: All meal plans will be built around your personal dietary needs.

Fitness: Workout in-person at one of our locations. Alongside others partaking in this massive lifestyle change, just like you!

Accountability: Professional Coaching, Weekly check-ins, Weekly goal tracking and measurement, other likeminded people going through this, fun loving community of people who've all gone through this ready to support you.

Summary: The more you participate, adhere to the program and engage with the team and your classmates, the better you will do! We’ve been doing this for over 6 years and if you only put in 10% effort, you will only reap 10% of the benefits. You are about to join a team of fitness and nutrition professionals with YEARS of experience and THOUSANDS of pounds lost to show for it. Take advantage of our expertise and do your part. You will be AMAZED by not only your physical changes but your overall health, your mental strength, your confidence and your self-esteem.



“Empowering people with the inspiration, motivation and education to change their lives is incredibly rewarding. It’s why we do what we do.”